She will be loved.

A while ago, I made a list of 10 things I desired in a potential future partner. My outlook on love had became bleak due to certain circumstances. Anyways, I still made my list and prayed over it. I even told God that I hope I’m not asking for too much. Silly of me. My Father says ask and ye shall receive as long as it’s in His will for my life. Turns out they had 9/10 of the things I asked for. I mean, I couldn’t blame them for even getting 90%. I didn’t expect perfection. Heck, maybe I’m one of the few people that still watch foreign films (Bollywood, French, Asian, etc). Fast forward a bit and we fulfilled the final criteria on my list. He’s somewhat of an overachiever like myself, wanting 100% instead of 90%.

Time passes and I find myself starting to laugh again. His energy and laughter was infectious. He could light up a room with his jokes and views on different subject matters. I went about my usual volunteer work and when I saw him in sight, my curiosity piqued. What was he doing in my space I began thinking to myself. He dared me to eat a cookie dipped in queso and the few of you who know me, know I DO NOT turn down a challenge, especially when it comes to food. I was about to dip my cookie but before I could, he stopped me, smiling slyly. “You owe me ice cream” for even daring me I said. And so we had ice cream and chatted for what seemed like ages.

It’s refreshing to have someone that massages your intellect ever so often. Sometimes we both look back and wonder how did it all happen. Was it divinely orchestrated? It was as if a higher power removed the veils from our eyes and opened our hearts and minds. We say this because we shared the same environment for years but never took notice of each other until the time in which this organic affinity formed. There was no pressure at all whatsoever. It was like a sunflower blooming with its face turned towards the sunlight. The more light it received, the more growth and change followed. It’s a new season. Spring has sprung.



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